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Learn to Chant Torah at Temple Shalom

This class is for Adults who know how to read Hebrew and want to learn to chant Torah. The class will culminate in all students reading Torah during a Shabbat morning service at Temple Shalom on February 10th. 

The class will begin on October 26th, and run 9-10 weeks, meeting Thursday nights from 7:30-8:30 at Temple Shalom. A virtual (hybrid) option will be available for students who occasionally need to miss a class in-person and want to tune in virtually, however, students are requested to come in-person to each class session whenever possible.

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Our Torah Leyning course fee is sliding scale fee to make it accessible to anyone, with a suggested donation of $180 (~$18 per course hour) Please select a manageable yet significant investment in your Jewish learning.
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Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784